About Cookies

We use cookies to identify users as unique but anonymous individuals. It helps us to record the number of visitors and gives us statistics and information about how many users we have on the page and what they do

In some cases, we also use cookies to remember settings that the user makes.

What are Cookies?

Cookies can be likened to small footprints. A special file, called a cookie file, is saved on your computer when you visit a particular website. The Cookie file consists of a small amount of data with information about what you do when you visit the page.

The information about what you did during previous visits is sent by the Web server to your browser and can be downloaded from there.

Are cookies dangerous?

No. Cookies are not dangerous. The Cookie files are plain text files and cannot contain viruses. The files are small and, for example, Chrome and Explorer only allow a certain amount of cookies to be saved in memory. There is therefore no risk that the memory will be full just because you allow cookies.

Can I say no to cookies?

Yes, you can turn off the use of cookies in your browser settings.