Genero Sales – The mobile sales CRM for FMCG
Genero Sales is a sales tool/CRM for companies with field sales forces that visits the FMCG, food service and retail market. As of today we have over 2000 users in 14 countries.
Genero Sales is all you need to support the entire sales process – from planning to follow-up. The sales system helps the sales reps plan their days and become more relevant when they are in store. At the same time the sales manager and administrators can prepare, support and evaluate the efforts of the sales team.

What are the functions in Genero Sales?
Good planning is crucial for a field sales rep. To have full insight into which customers are to be visited, what has happened historically and to get support with priorities and visit frequencies from the sales manager.
Customers & campaigns
A complete history of the customers is a must in a CRM. In Genero Sales you get a comprehensive overview of all orders, distribution measurements, contacts, photos and promotions that are valid at the moment.
Distribution checks
Winning and then securing your place on the shelf is more important than ever. To keep track of this, Genero Sales has simple ways to make these checks. Either on the entire product range or on selected parts of it.
Marketing questions & tasks
As a sales manager, you can quickly get a updated view on what is happening in the field through predefined market questions. The questions can be configured in a number of different ways and are answered quickly and easily by the sales rep in the app.
Orders & refunds
The support for ordering and handling payments in Genero Sales is extensive and enables many different types of order flows. Of course, we also have support for EDI orders to all leading wholesalers on the market.
Reports & Insights
Genero Sales supports a number of different reports, widgets and dashboards to follow up everything that happens in the sales organization. Add our module Genero Insight and you will get the best follow-up on the market with dynamic reports, created in Microsoft Power BI.
Presentations & media
A stylish sales presentation is important and in Genero Sales it is simple for the sales rep to show it to their customer, directly in the app. Many of our users also appreciate the possibility to place an order directly from the sales presentation.
Image management
Our powerful image tool, Genero Image gives you a comprehensive image gallery where you quickly can focus only on the images you are interested in with the help of filters and tags. Social features are also included in the module.
Inventory management
Hardware such as refrigerators, coffee machines or POS material can easily be registered in the app with serial number, placement date and location to get an excellent overview of where everything is located.
Document templates
Create document templates for agreements, order forms or customer plans, so that the sales rep can use them and then create customer specific documents that are saved on their customers.