There is probably nothing that we enjoy more than to accompany our sales rep users out in the field!
it´s so easy to sit in the office in your bubble and discuss challenges and solutions, but when you come out and see how Genero is used in real life, in stores, supermarkets, gyms and pharmacies, that´s when you fully understand the user needs.
During May and June all of us at Genero have been out traveling with sales reps from some of our customers. We are so grateful that we have been able to do this and we have gathered so much great feedback and ideas that we now can transform into mart solutions that really makes a difference. In reality. Where it all happens 🙂
We say a big thanks to our customers that made this possible:
Sales Support, Löfbergs, Red Bull, Scan, Fuud, Exotic Snacks and Kiviks Musteri! 🧡